Name Of Competition | Day Of Week | Blue Week Or Yellow Week Or Both | Term | Time | Year Group(s) | Venue | Staff In Charge | Further Information |
Lower School Physics Challenge | Mon | Both | Summer | 12:25 – 13:10pm | 1st / 2nd / 3rd | Physics | CMS | |
Physics Experimental Project | Mon | Both | Autumn | 1:10 – 1:35pm | 4th / 5th / L6 / U6 | Physics | CMS | |
Senior & Intermediate Physics Challenges | Mon | Both | Spring | 12:25 – 13:10pm | 4th / 5th / L6 | Physics | CMS | |
BPhO Round 1 | Mon | Both | Autumn | 12:25 – 1:10pm | U6 | Physics | CMS | |
Junior Physics Challenge | Mon | Both | Summer | 1:10 – 1:30pm | 4th | Physics | CMS | |
National Cipher Challenge | Thur | Both | Autumn | 4:00pm | 4th / 5th / L6 / U6 | M9 | GDF | |
Alan Turing Cryptography competition | Mon | Both | Spring | 4:00pm | 3rd / 4th | CR3 | STO | |
Sixth Form Pop Maths Quiz | Sat | N/A | Spring | 10:00 – 1:00pm | L6 / U6 | Liverpool | GDF | |
MEM Challenge | N/A | N/A | February half term | N/A | All years | Online | ||
Maths Bombe | Wed | Both | Spring | 4:00pm | L6 / U6 | M11 | ALM | |
Junior Maths Challenge | Wed/Thur | N/A | 27th/28th April | TBC | 1st / 2nd | TBC | ALM | |
Intermediate Maths Challenge | Wed/Thur | N/A | 2nd/3rd Feb | TBC | 3rd / 4th / 5th | TBC | ALM | |
Senior Maths Challenge | Wed/Thur | N/A | 3rd/4th November | TBC | 5th / L6 / U6 | TBC | ALM | |
Maths Olympiad for Girls | Thur | N/A | 7th October | TBC | 4th / 5th / L6 / U6 | M11 | ALM | |
Maths Feast | TBC | N/A | Spring – date TBC | All day | 4th | Manchester University | ALM | |
Schools Challenge Quiz team | Wed | N/A | October onwards | Prep time lunchtime; Quiz takes place online |
L6 / U6 | W22 | TAL | For those who are interested they must find TAL regularly to be considered for the team. |
Northern Schools MFL Debating Competition | TBC | N/A | Jan-23 | 5:00 – 9:00pm | L6 / U6 | CHS | KP | Details yet to be confirmed. |
Masterchef Competition | TBC | N/A | May/ June 2022 | 4:00 – 6:30pm | 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / L6 | T4/T5 | HFO | Details to be confirmed. |
2nd Year Enterprise Challenge | Thur 19th June | N/A | Jun-24 | All day | 2nd | Hallam Hall + classrooms | AJP/LC | |
Junior Astro Challenge | Nov | N/A | Autumn | Prep in Astro club | 2nd / 3rd / 4th | TBC | CMH/CMS | |
Living Edge Schools’ Art Competition | March | Spring | Morning | 3rd / 5th / U6 | RAD/RJU | |||
Royal Academy Schools’ Summer Exhibition | June-Aug | n/a | Summer | n/a | L6 / U6 | Royal Academy | RAD | |
Christmas Card Design Competition | June-Sept. | n/a | Summer and Autumn | n/a | All | n/a | RAD | Design used for SGS Christmas card and Carol Service cover |
Articulation History of Art Prize | tbc | n/a | Autumn and Spring | n/a | L6 / U6 | Whitworth Art Gallery | RAD | |
Write on Art UK | June | n/a | Summer | n/a | L6 – U6 | tbc | RAD /RJU | Art History essay comp |
PiWars | April | Blue | Monday | 1:05 – 1:35pm | all | tbc | LEL | Raspberry Pi robotics competition |
Yr 5 Open Art competition | March | n/a | Spring | 6:30 – 7:30pm | Year 5 | Ex.Rel and Art | RAD/RJU/ TK | Two competitions, one for external pupils and the other for SGJS pupils. |
Bebras Computing Challenge | n/a | n/a | Autumn | n/a | 2nd | tbc | LEL | 8-19th November |
Chem Quiz | n/a | both | Summer | All day | 2nd / 3rd / 4th | MMU | ALG/ITM | National RSC Top of the Bench competition |
History podcast | Varies | Both | Three podcasts across the Year. One each term. | To be confirmed via bulletin | All years | W22 | TAL and History /Politics department | |
1st Year French Spelling Bee | in class | both | Oct-March | N/A | 1st | N/A | SMG | |
3rd Year German competition | N/A | N/A | Spring term | TBC | 3rd (German pupils) | N/A | SLB | Pronunciation competition |
3rd Year Spanish Reading Competition | N/A | N/A | Summer term | TBC | 3rd (Spanish pupils) | TBC | IWK | Pronunciation competition |
4th Year MFL: Debate | TBC | TBC | summer term | TBC | 4th (French and German pupils) | L5 | KC/DL | Interform debating competition in French/German |
2nd Year French competition | N/A | N/A | Spring term | TBC | 2nd | TBC | JDW | Pronunciation competition |
Library Heroes | N/A | N/A | All | N/A | 1st / 2nd / 3rd | JIPG | Interform borrowing competition | |
Rotary Young Chef of the Year | Wed | Yellow | October – April | 13:05 – 13:35pm | All | T4 | Students who would like to develop their food preparation skills in preparation for possible competition entry |