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Nursery Curriculum

Children who join our Nursery become part of the Junior School and enjoy all its facilities, including the extensive school grounds. We provide high-quality care and education in a happy, stimulating environment that helps build confidence and self-esteem.

Our experienced and well-qualified team oversees the children’s education. They also enjoy specialist lessons in Music and Modern Foreign Languages, regular library sessions, Dance and PE in the school hall, and weekly swimming lessons with specialist teachers. Two school nurses oversee their medical care.

Children can join our Nursery class in September after their third birthday, following an assessment to ensure readiness. If places are available, they may also join in January or April.


The Nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.

Through carefully guided play activities the children are encouraged to explore, experience, discover, practise skills and develop ideas. They are helped to develop physically and emotionally and to interact socially.

Nursery children are integrated into the life of the school and, when the time comes for the children in our Nursery to make the smooth transition to our Reception classes, we know that they are ready to learn.

Download the Nursery Curriculum Plan (pdf)


Download the Nursery 2024-2025 Timetable (pdf)


The Nursery staff, led by our full-time teacher, are fully qualified, experienced and dedicated to giving your child the best possible start in life.

The foundation stage co-ordinator oversees the Nursery and Reception classes.

Lunch and snacks

The children eat lunch in the school Dining Hall, supervised by the Nursery staff. Milk and fruit are provided in the morning and fruit juice and a biscuit in the afternoon.


The uniform reflects the practical curriculum offered. Full details are available here.

Weather permitting, a significant amount of time each day will be spent outdoors.