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Indoor and outdoor learning inspires Pre-Reception pupils

Outdoor learning inspires Nursery pupils

Pre-Reception pupils have been making use of the great facilities at SGS as they explore, discover and learn.

Whether it is inside or outdoors, the girls and boys have been having lots of fun during the first few months of the Autumn term.

In the classroom

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is one of the books that pupils have been reading and they have been transferring their understanding of key events to many aspects of their play.

Maisie D-M wrote her own version of the story, Jude C had fun re-enacting the story in a ‘real life’ Three Bears Cottage and the children tasted some Baby Bear porridge. The boys and girls have also made books, dressed teddies, had fun using different size resources in the sand and the water trays and played with toys that were big, medium or tiny.

The pupils also looked after the ‘Three Bears’ very well and have extended the family with a visiting ‘Grandma Bear, Sister Bear and a bear friend too!

Continuing on the animal theme, Pre-Reception took delivery of a special letter and parcel from Hattie the Hedgehog. She had written to the children asking if she could come inside and stay in the classroom as it was getting so cold outside. The children decided “YES of course!” A den and a new red ribbon were made as the children noticed Hattie must have lost hers.

Over the week, Hattie brought in her ‘Hedgehugs’ story to read, socks to put in their matching pairs, a basket of ‘H’ objects to sort and a lucky dip basket! The boys and girls had to close their eyes and feel inside each bag and describe what they felt – was it bumpy, soft, prickly or cold.

At the end of the week the boys and girls in Pre-Reception donned aprons as they made their own bread hedgehogs.

After kneading and whisking, the budding bakers gave their creations some spectacular spikes and eagerly devoured their tasty treats!

During an ICT session the children were taught the basic concepts of coding when they programmed a different kind of animal – a ‘Robot Mouse’!

The children carefully counted the number of squares for movement that was needed to guide the mouse around a track to the cheese. As they became more confident in directional movement, the track was re-laid with more difficult configurations.

Maisie D-M enjoyed it: “I liked making the mouse move,” whilst Lilly F was a fan of: “making the mouse go under a tunnel.”

The pupils made lots of noise as they learnt about musical phonics by playing with different instruments. They explored different sounds – looking at speed, volume and rhythm – and this got them attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.

During Harvest celebrations, the children got busy making fruit salad and jam sandwiches.

The great outdoors

Out in the play area Jude C, Ben S, Lily F, Hope P, Zaki A, Jack B and Beatriz A K showed off their team working skills as they joined together to transport water down a pipe system into a container.

Earlier in the term they made the most of the Cheshire sunshine by spending time outside playing with the wide range of toys. These activities allowed them to explore, experience, discover, practise skills and develop ideas and this helps them to grow physically and emotionally and to interact socially.

Further afield, the boys and girls were very excited to go on a welly walk and enjoyed spotting trains as they walked around the school fields. They were thrilled to discover an old tree stump which they could jump, slide and roll down!

Hope P said: “I loved listening to the train noises” and Ada H added: “I heard the trees and the wind was blowing in my hair!” Aroosh A quipped: “We jumped off the tree…it was cut down” whilst Sebastian T noted: “It was cut down from the treetops!”


The children headed to the school’s tractor as they learnt about Harvest and where their food comes from. They found out that some foods are grown on a farm and that farmers are incredibly busy at that time of the year.

Lunch time

To aid pupils’ creativity, energy and concentration throughout the school day, our Catering team provide a comprehensive menu offering a range of healthy meals to satisfy any palate.

For Pre-Reception pupils, the children sit at tables with staff for a ‘family-style’ dining experience where we can develop healthy eating habits and good table manners.

New Pre-Reception building

The new Pre-Reception building development is really beginning to take shape and the latest photos from the construction are creating a lot of excitement.

The impressive amount of space inside the building will be utilised to full effect and the youngest pupils at SGS will be able to benefit from the inspiring and stimulating environment that is being created outside.

What better place for pupils to take their first steps in education at Stockport Grammar Junior School!