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Actors amaze in delightful drama production

The cast of the 2024 Drama Production, Teechers

Pupils from Third Year to Lower Sixth produced two incredible performances of this year’s drama production, ‘Teechers’.

The SGS version of the John Godber written play took place in the Sixth Form Common Room and the pupils worked for six months to ensure that the audience had a great time.

The original play has just three actors playing 19 roles but the school’s production featured an ensemble of 20 sharing the roles between the whole cast.

The play includes ‘Brechtian techniques and physical theatre” and the actors enjoyed remaining on stage throughout – including a pre-show!

Jasmine Whittaker said: “I really enjoyed being part of a community-style theatre company” whilst Charlotte Sullivan commented: “I was really pleased with how well the performances went and I was relieved that the audience found it as funny as we did.”

George Mason remarked “It was hard work but it was a lot of fun when we performed” and Sophie Bates concluded: “I really liked that we shared the roles as everyone had a chance to be fully involved and it made the play more interesting.”