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SGS Year Five Art Competition 2021

Tuesday 27th April 2021
1:00 PM

Year Five children from local primary schools are invited to get creative this half-term and over the Easter break by producing some colourful artwork on the theme of ‘Portrait’ to enter into this year’s SGS Art Competition.

Here is Head of Art and Design Mr Richard Davies to tell you more about the competition:


Mr Davies has created some videos demonstrating some art techniques to help inspire entrants:

Single Line Portraits

Poly-printmaking Techniques

Poly-print Results

Once the masterpiece has been created, photograph the work and get a parent, guardian or teacher to email us the entry as a jpeg attachment.

Please include in the email:

  • Adult’s full name
  • Child’s full name
  • Current school name and year
  • Contact telephone number
  • Address
  • Permission for us to display the artist’s work accompanied by their full name and school on our website and social media channels to celebrate the artwork and promote the competition.

The deadline for entries is Monday 19th April 2021 and the winners will be announced in an online presentation Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 1pm. The Art and Design department has arranged a separate Stockport Grammar Junior School competition – so SGJS Year Fives can look forward to receiving more information on their project and submitting entries via school.

Happy creating, we are looking forward to seeing the artwork!


Free, non-ticketed

Booking form (235.42 KB, PDF)

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