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Fitness Suite redeveloped thanks to SPA support

Director of Sport Mr Marsh thanks the SPA for their funding to redevelop the Fitness Suite

Senior School pupils will be able to benefit from new equipment and a renovated Fitness Suite thanks to support from the Stopfordian Parents’ Association (SPA).

Pupils can use the Fitness Suite at lunchtime every day, in addition to some early mornings, to work on their strength and conditioning. PE lessons also make use of the Fitness Suite.

Director of Sport Mr Andy Marsh said: “A successful strength and conditioning program is paramount to the success of school teams both on and off the pitch, in addition to promoting a lifelong love of fitness and exercise. For any program of this nature to be successful, we need to ensure we have the correct resources to deliver our aims and objectives.

“Thank you to the Stopfordian Parents’ Association for their amazing support. With the collaboration between the Sports department and the SPA, I am extremely confident that we now have tools to further develop our young athletes with the aim of increasing student wellbeing whilst simultaneously developing a competitive and high-performance culture.

“If pupils would like to make use of the new equipment, I would encourage them to speak to a member of the PE department for more information.”

Former SPA Chair Lisa Lord and current Treasurer Jamie Bell said: “The SPA are thrilled to have been able to make this contribution to the Sports department.

“It is fantastic to see the equipment in such a welcoming space and to know that it will benefit all pupils, whether looking to improve their performance in team sports or to enhance their health and wellbeing.

“We would like to thank all the parents who give their time, energy and support to the SPA and who make such donations possible.”