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Former Headmaster, Mr Hugh Wright (OS 1979-1985), revisits SGS

Former Headmaster, Mr Wright (OS 1979-1985) revisits SGS

We were thrilled to welcome back Former Headmaster, Mr Hugh Wright (1979-1985), as well as Former Staff and Pupils who taught and attended SGS during Hugh’s leadership, for a reunion and afternoon tea as part of our Alumni event series last week.

Mr Wright entertained us with a discussion on the significant developments that shaped the future of Stockport Grammar School under his leadership and also highlighted the importance of Founder, Sir Edmond Shaa’s, will and the Bursary Fund in being instrumental in continuing to fund talented, local pupils to access the exceptional education Stockport Grammar School can offer, regardless of family income.

The event offered us the opportunity to showcase our new Sixth Form Facilities, introduced by Headmaster, Dr Owen. Our thanks to Mr David Stone, Head of Sixth Form and pupils for allowing us to showcase the space. Upper Sixth Form pupil Matthew Schofield also discussed the opportunities and support he has received since joining the Sixth Form in 2020 to give visitors an insight on life at SGS today.

You can find out more about how our Bursary Fund continues to support talented pupils here.