Issue 8 of SGS Historian now live
Issue 8 of the ‘SGS Historian’, a magazine created by Sixth Form students and History staff, is now available to read.
The theme for this year’s publication was ‘The Powerful And The Powerless Throughout History’ and the writing team was Amelie Batey, Anna Howard, William Seager, Alex Carter, William McCluggage and Kai Spooner. Head of History Mr Tom Leng and Head of Sixth Form Mr David Stone also submitted stories for inclusion.
Topics covered in this edition include dictators, women in science, empires, Liz Truss, Stalin, the last emperor of China and the medical disaster of Tuskegee.
Speaking in her foreword, Lower Sixth student Amelie said: “The theme of power and powerlessness is one that is able to transcend through centuries. History is imperative to understand our present and the possibilities in our future and it is reflected in the lives of people today, and so, must be written an explored.
“Edwin P Whipple stated ‘power is everything’, what we intend to explore is…is this true?”
Mr Leng, who wrote an article entitled ‘The Power Of Curiosity: A Family History Journey’ that was inspired by the department’s trip to Ellis Island, added: “At SGS the History and Politics department aim to enrich our curriculum by encouraging our students to take an active interest in their subjects beyond the four walls of the classroom.
“This SGS Historian magazine is a perfect example of this. I want to give my thanks to Mr Stone and all the students who contributed to the edition this year. It is a fantastic entry and I am blown away by the quality of research completed.”
The issue has been entered into the Young Historian Project’s ‘Best School History Magazine’ competition – a competition that the school has won a number of times before.
Click on the link below to access Issue 8 of the SGS Historian.