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Remembrance brings the SGS community together

Stockport Grammar remembering those who lost their lives during the 2023 Remembrance Service

Pupils and staff across the Junior and Senior Schools held Remembrance Services in memory of those who gave their lives in the service of their country.

The Sixth Form were joined in their Service by more than ninety guests including Greater Manchester Deputy Lieutenant Mr Paul Brearley JP DL, Mayor of Stockport Councillor Graham Greenhalgh, Councillor Wendy Meikle and Councillor David Wilson, Chair of Governors Mr Jonathan Lee (OS 1983) and fellow Old Stopfordians.

Head Mrs Sarah Capewell led the Service, with readings by Sixth Form students Luke Constantine-Williams, Grace Lorimer and Edward Griffiths. Prayers were led by Reverend Leaver. Mrs Sarah Johnson (OS 1994) played The Last Post and the Reveille, as students, staff and guests stood respectfully in silence.

Following the service, guests were invited to a reunion lunch in the Hallam Hall which contains the War Memorial to the 68 Old Stopfordians who gave their lives in the service of their country. At the lunch, guests heard from Third Year pupils who had recently returned from the annual Battlefields Trip to France and Belgium, and from School Archivist Mr Stuart Helm (OS 1964) who spoke on the theme of Old Stopfordian Admiral Sir George Back (1796-1878) who, as a Royal Navy Officer, served in earlier conflicts and was a prisoner of war before his famous Arctic explorations.

First Year violinist Christina Wong and Fifth Year flautist Dan Wood gave exceptional solo performances that delighted the assembled guests.
Musicians attended Remembrance Services across the Junior and Senior Schools and at Stepping Hill Hospital to play the Last Post and Reveille as silences were held for quiet reflection. Thanks go to Anya Wells, Sophia Horne and Nathan Hutchinson.

In the Junior School, Head Mr Matthew Copping led the Remembrance Assembly before pupils and staff walked quietly to the astro at the front of school to observe the silence.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.