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SGS welcomes HMC General Secretary Dr Simon Hyde

HMC General Secretary Dr Hyde and Head Mrs Capewell

Thank you to Dr Simon Hyde, General Secretary of HMC (The Heads’ Conference), for joining us at SGS this morning. Established in 1869, HMC comprises Heads from some of the world’s finest schools and, with a membership that includes 300 Heads in the UK and Ireland, along with an additional 60 international members, HMC plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of education. HMC schools collectively educate over 250,000 students.

It was a privilege to welcome Dr Hyde who, as General Secretary, leads the HMC team. Dr Hyde visited the Junior and Senior Schools, met with Heads Sarah Capewell and Matthew Copping, and took a guided tour with Sixth Form pupils Rayaan Akbar and Lucy Smith.

Dr Hyde said: “It was a great pleasure to visit Stockport Grammar School today. Sixth Form pupils Rayaan and Lucy showed such pride in their school as they showed me around and talked about the ways SGS has helped prepare them for an exciting future – it is always wonderful to see first-hand the immense impact that schools led by HMC members have on the lives of their pupils and local communities.

I was very interested to hear from Raayan and Lucy about the diversity of the school community, and about the ‘Spotlight on…’ talks attended and given by pupils of all ages, by alumni and by invited speakers on a wide range of topics – such a great way to encourage confidence and speaking skills.

Visiting the Junior School, I enjoyed seeing the fantastic new facilities created for the Nursery children and calling in to a Year 2 talk with a legal expert. SGS has some impressive plans for the future and I look forward to working with Sarah Capewell, Head of Senior School and Matthew Copping, Head of Junior School as they bring these to fruition.”