Successful Scottish sports tour for Year 6 pupils
Year 6 pupils spent four action-packed days in Scotland on a Sports Tour which catered for football, netball and hockey.
The tour involved daily training sessions at elite sporting venues including Celtic FC’s Academy, the Commonwealth Games Stadium and the Indoor Netball Arena.
Pupils were put through their paces by coaches from Celtic and premier league netball side Stratchclyde Sirens. It was a great experience for pupils to play and develop under the coaching of such highly qualified individuals.
Over the course of the four days, they enjoyed fixtures against local opposition.
The netball teams had brilliant victories against Glasgow Academy with the fixtures being played indoors at the University complex.
The football matches were next up with games against local team West Park. There was a strong England v Scotland rivalry on display in a competitive game which Stockport Grammar won 4-3.
The final fixtures were for the hockey teams who played against local club side Stratchclyde Hockey Club. On a freezing Glasgow evening, the pupils who took part were a credit to the school and overcame the conditions and opposition to end the games with two victories.
The competition however didn’t end on the pitches and courts – in the evening the girls and boys took part in bowling, crazy golf and laser quest.
Glasgow is a huge sporting city and has some tremendous venues which had been developed for the Commonwealth Games. Pupils had a chance to see and learn about the Velodrome, Gymnastics Centre and Emirates Arena.
A popular favourite was the tour of Celtic Park in which they learnt about the history and development of Celtic, as well as going into the dressing room and onto the pitch.
Day four saw the travelling party make their way south after an early breakfast as they headed home after an amazing and unforgettable few days away.
Reflecting on the tour, Director of Junior School Sport Mr Martin Cooke said: “The tour was an incredible opportunity for pupils to continue developing the skills and sports they have learnt throughout their journey in the Junior School.
“Being away with their peers, making new friends in the matches and experiencing a wide range of elite venues will have created memories that will last a lifetime.
“I would like to thank the pupils for their energy, effort and behaviour and the staff who gave up their time to make the trip such a success.”