Waste looks at the five Rs – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle.
The current situation:
- Around one bin of food (240L) is generated each day in the Dining Hall. Although this waste is used for compost and the “grey water” generated as part of the process is also recycled, we feel that we could cut this waste down
- There have been lots of discussions in assemblies about asking for smaller portions or only taking what you want and there are signs to remind pupils at the serveries
- We have introduced a ‘no waste’ queue in the Dining Hall to encourage pupils to take only what they will eat
- A battery recycling box has been set up in reception in the Junior School and in different sites in the Senior School
- Food waste is sent away and burnt to make electricity
- Bin in the Junior School playground with new signage – recycled items/food waste/general waste
- Paper recycling bins have been introduced and encouraged across the site
- Use of hand dryers in the toilets instead of paper towels
- All of our cardboard is recycled
- Grounds have been recycling workshop waste – such as engine oil, transmission oil, waste rags, packaging, etc. – with Acumen Waste Services since 2002
- For the past five years Grounds have been recycling all types of batteries
- The green waste gathered by Grounds is handled by Premier Waste Services. The company, who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint through continuous monitoring and management, have a transfer station for rubbish which sorts it out into the various parts of mixed waste
- Grounds have a scrap metal recycle skip for old sports goals, other sports equipment, machine parts, etc. This is weighed and the money raised goes back into the Bursary
- Educate the pupils about the impact of food waste on the environment
- Gather the opinions of the pupils and catering staff
- Aim to recycle as much as we can – including furniture, old PC’s, equipment, etc.
- Help to organise the World Book Day book swap
- We recycled Christmas cards and wrapping paper to make Christmas decorations
- We took part in a local campaign to collect bottle tops to be reused in a large mural in Stockport by Plastic Shed
- We took part in a national competition to design a bin sticker to encourage people to recycle more
- We took part in a national initiative called ‘Cut Your Carbon’ to educate and encourage people to take steps to reduce their carbon footprint
- We have recently launched an Eco Hub in the library, where pupils and staff can drop off their hard-to-recycle plastics, like bottletops, soft plastics, make-up containers.
Our plans:
- We plan to visit a waste recycling centre to have a better understanding of what happens to our household waste
- We aim to increase the number of no waste queues in the Dining Hall from one to two
- To make bottle top art to illustrate the amount of plastic that we use and throw away
- To promote our Eco Hub in the library.
What could be done at home:
- Speak to your children about reducing food waste at home
- Discuss the importance of recycling and encourage good recycling habits
- Send children to school with a reusable water bottle.