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Apply to the Junior School

Year Three pupils reading in the Library

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. We provide an environment where children enjoy their learning and develop their confidence at this important stage in their development.

Along with our open events, we are always happy to arrange a personal tour for parents thinking about sending their children here as we believe this is the best way to find out about our School. A visit will give you an opportunity for an informal meeting with the Head and a tour of the School, where you will see our children enjoying their normal day to day routines.

Once you have decided that Stockport Grammar Junior School is the right choice for your child, you can apply for a place by completing the online admission form below. A fee of £75 per child is applicable upon submission of the online form.

Go to the Junior School online Admission Form

Download a Junior School Admission Form (pdf)

The school’s Terms and Conditions can be found towards the bottom of the Policies page.

Cancellation Notice and Cancellation Form

The majority of children join the School in the September following their third birthday (Nursery). Some places may be available for children to start in Nursery at the start of the term following their third birthday (January or April). Please contact us for further information.

We also have a number of Reception places available each year for children who will turn four before September. However, we are full for the 2024-2025 academic year and are currently no longer accepting applications for this year group.

We are very happy for children to join us in other year groups where places become available, particularly in Year 3 when we move from two classes to three classes in the year group.

Taster day and assessment

Applicants are invited to join us for a taster day at school, which includes an assessment. The duration and nature of this visit varies depending on the age of your child:

Assessment for younger children

Most children join the school in our Nursery (one Pre-School year) on a full or part-time basis and automatically move up into Reception the following year. However, we also reserve some places for children whose parents wish to apply directly for entry into Reception at 4+. Interviews and assessments for entry into Reception begin in the preceding Autumn. An early application is recommended as places are limited.

Children in Year 2 and below spend time in the classroom, joining in with class lessons and activities and, during their visit, the teacher will spend some one to one time getting to know them and working with them.

Assessment for older children

Children currently in Year 3 or above spend a day in school. During the morning they undertake assessments in:

  • English: reading and creative writing
  • Maths

The remainder of the day is spent with children of their own age, joining in with the normal class lessons and enjoying lunch and play times. This is an ideal opportunity to make new friends, look around the school and get an idea of life at Stockport Grammar Junior School.

Offer of a place (all ages)

Within a few days of the assessment and taster day, the Head will contact parents to give feedback from the visit. An offer of a place follows a successful assessment.

More information

The Head’s PA, Miss Andrea Mariet, would be very happy to answer any Nursery and Junior School enquiries and to offer help or guidance at any time. She can be reached on 0161 419 2405 or by email