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Parental Survey Results

During the spring term of 2024, RSAcademics carried out a survey of parents’ views in the Senior and Junior schools. The survey was administered and analysed independently by RSAcademics to ensure that all responses remained confidential and anonymous.

See the parental survey results from the Junior School.

The most popular words chosen to describe the Senior School were:

  • welcoming
  • academic
  • supportive

An impressive 94% of parents rated the quality of teaching, and 91% the range of academic subjects on offer in the top two categories of very good and good. Most importantly, pupils’ happiness and feeling of safety within the school were rated at 95% and 97% respectively.  For the vast majority of parents, 92%, Stockport Grammar Senior School is their first or only choice of school.

Provision of music, sport, creative and performing arts and other co-curricular activities and clubs were highly rated, and all exceeded the average of other independent senior day schools previously surveyed by RS Academics.

RSAcademics commented that:

Stockport Grammar School is described by parents as welcoming, academic, and supportive and is recognised for its rounded approach to education, strong academic programme and excellent pastoral care. The school has high levels of satisfied parents, almost all of whom would recommend the school. Stockport Grammar Senior School exceeds the average from other independent schools for satisfaction and for many other individual features.

Parents’ comments

A selection of the comments reveal just how happy parents are with their children’s education at Stockport Grammar School:

Thank you so much to all the staff for all the energy and commitment they put into teaching our children. We’re very grateful.

Our daughter has thoroughly embraced life throughout all her years at both Stockport Grammar Junior and Senior School and has definitely reached her full potential in every sense of the word – has developed fully the aims underpinning the school of grit, determination and social awareness. Amazing opportunities and values have been reinforced during her magical time at SGS.

My child has excelled academically, and this is down to great teachers who encourage and reward good behaviour and hard work.

Pastoral care and concern for wellbeing feels well-resourced and prioritised alongside academic achievement.

The offerings of field trips and other trips is really great, as are the clubs and the ability to get involved in so many things.